I write about an Atelier series mobile game, Atelier Resleriana: Forgotten Alchemy and the Polar Night Liberator. How does it adopts the Atelier formula, and how well the game adopts it?
I write about a mobile/PC game that I tried recently, Snowbreak: Containment Zone. A third-person shooter set in a post-apocalyptic world, how does this game fare?
I'm picking songs from the end of 2022 to around early February 2023. The theme of this post... is just some of my favorite things, alongside several unexpected releases I found.
The theme of this month is all games. Every single song in this Music Highlights is all soundtracks to games. Due to the types of games I'm most familiar with, however, it's mostly mobile games. High-production-value ones, anyway.
Mostly things that I've been looking at for a while, but some of them are genuinely surprising. I also talked a bit about the growth of a community that I've been looking at closely since I followed it.